D'Amore Personal Injury Law, LLC

What are the Long-Term Effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury

If you or a loved one have experienced a traumatic brain injury due to an auto accident or some other cause of head trauma, you may be able to receive help. It is essential to understand the impact of traumatic brain injuries, their symptoms, long-term effects, what damages you may be eligible to receive, and how to contact a skilled and knowledgeable traumatic brain injury lawyer in your area.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is any head injury that impairs the way your brain works. TBIs are often caused by head trauma sustained during a motor vehicle accident. However, it is possible to endure a TBI from a more common injury, like bumping your head or falling. 

A TBI can negatively impact your ability to function normally, mentally, and physically. There are three main categories of TBI:

  • Mild TBI or concussion
  • Moderate TBI 
  • Severe TBI 

Mild TBIs are the most common type of TBI, often caused by a head injury, like a blow to the head. They are rarely life-threatening, although the effects can still be serious. 

Moderate and severe TBIs may be caused by a blow to the head or a penetrating injury, like a gunshot. These injuries may have long-term adverse effects on the victim’s life. Every year, thousands of Americans die from these TBIs. The most common causes of moderate and severe TBI injuries include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Falls
  • Assaults
  • Firearms

TBIs can be a severe and costly health concern. The lifetime financial cost of American TBIs, including medical bills, can be astounding and devastating to TBI victims and their families.

If you or a loved one is battling a TBI caused by a car accident or other injury, contact an experienced brain injury attorney to learn your legal options.

Watch Paul D’Amore, founder of D’Amore Personal Injury Law, guide you on how to find the best personal injury lawyer.

What are some Symptoms of a TBI?

Traumatic brain injury symptoms arise from damage done to the brain. Common TBI symptoms may include physical, cognitive, and sensory symptoms.

Physical TBI Symptoms

Physical symptoms of TBI may include:

  • Clear fluid running from the ears or nose
  • Communication or speech issues
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Inability to wake from sleep
  • Loss of balance
  • Nausea 
  • Pupil dilation
  • Vomiting

Cognitive TBI Symptoms

The cognitive symptoms of TBIs may include:

  • A state of disorientation without loss of consciousness
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Concentration problems
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Loss of consciousness for short times — from seconds to a few minutes (mild TBI)
  • Loss of consciousness for longer times — from minutes to hours (moderate or severe TBI) 
  • Memory problems
  • Mood swings
  • Sleeping more than pre-TBI
  • Slurred speech
  • Trouble sleeping

Sensory TBI Symptoms

Sensory symptoms of TBIs may include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Change in smell
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sound sensitivity

What are the Long-Term Effects of a TBI?

A head injury resulting in moderate or severe TBI can have a long-term or even life-long impact on the victim. It can cause permanent mental or physical disability. Common with more serious TBI injuries, polytrauma refers to suffering multiple injuries to different organs or systems rather than an isolated injury. As a result of other injuries, TBI victims may face additional disabilities resulting from the initial head trauma.

It may take years for even mild TBI patients to recover fully. Even those who appear to make a full recovery from their TBI may have less noticeable life-long symptoms.

Other long-term effects of TBI may include:

  • Loss of employability — Many victims of TBIs must miss work and therefore lose wages immediately after an injury. In some cases, long-term symptoms may prevent the victim from returning to work or working in a job comparable to what they previously held. 
  • Loss of mobility — A TBI can impair a person’s ability to walk, run, move, or drive, sometimes permanently. Small movements that many take for granted, like tying shoelaces or brushing your teeth, may become impossible. TBI victims may even develop epilepsy, making their daily lives even more hazardous.
  • Interruption of essential functions — TBI victims may find basic functions challenging. This could include using food utensils, swallowing food and drink, and using a bathroom independently.
  • Damage to relationships — TBIs can impair a person’s socializing skills. They may have difficulty remembering conversations or recognizing facial expressions. This can negatively impact current and new relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners.
  • Untimely death — Roughly 50% of people with a TBI will see a decline in their lives within five years of the injury. Even after receiving rehabilitation services, a person’s life expectancy is nine years shorter after a TBI.

The effects of TBI are profound and life-threatening. It’s imperative that victims have every resource available for support, therapy, and treatment.

Compensation in Traumatic Brain Injury Claims

If you or a loved one have been affected by a TBI caused by a motor vehicle accident or someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible to receive compensation for the damages you sustained. Your injuries may be irreversible, but that doesn’t mean you should bear that burden alone.

A legal award or settlement can improve your quality of life, treatment options, life expectancy, and the health and happiness of your family and loved ones. If your case is successful, the damage awards may help you cover the costs of:

  • Loss of income from your employment — this may include lost wages and lost future income and benefits
  • Property alterations to improve your safety and mobility at home
  • Medical bills for previous and ongoing therapy and medical care
  • Pain and suffering — both physical and psychological
  • Wrongful death costs — both in burial expenses and the premature loss of a loved one

What can a brain injury law firm do for you?

If a traumatic brain injury has injured you or a loved one, find the best brain injury lawyers in your area. At D’Amore Personal Injury Law, we have years of experience helping clients just like you recover from TBIs caused by negligent parties. 

We understand the challenges associated with a life-altering injury like a TBI. Our brain injury attorneys have a track record of success in complex cases involving head injuries and traumatic brain injuries. We will handle your case with tact, empathy, and undeniable skill.

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